
PCB reverse engineering and development of medical imaging equipment

PCB reverse engineering and development of medical imaging equipment ​In recent years, China’s equipment market has developed rapidly and has become the world’s third largest equipment market after the United States and Japan. However, it is necessary to continue to maintain the current speed of development, to achieve the super-day to catch up with the United States, but also to deepen the work in the key areas. From the perspective of the improvement of localization rate, there is still huge Read more…

What is PCB Schematic Diagram

What Is PCB Schematics A schematic diagram is a convenient and informative method for documenting electronic circuitry. The basic building blocks of schematic diagrams use a set of standardized symbols to represent different component types. ​ Fast PCB Studio engineers will reverse the schematic diagram according to the PCB module received. The Schematic diagram is to be provided to customers for future uses, e.g. PCB module modification for production version upgrade. Previous Next

What is PCB BOM List

What Is PCB BOM List ​In the case of a PCB design, the bill of materials is a list of all the parts needed to build that specific printed circuit board. Normally, all the components mounted on PCB module will be take off from the PCB bare board. The location of the each component will be recorded, and models with quantities will be listed in the BOM list. The BOM list is be provided to customers finally for PCB module Read more…